Title: Pale Movie
Release Date: 1994
In our craziest ‘coals to Newcastle’ scenario, we took the melody from a traditional Spanish folk song and scored our biggest ever hit in Spain. We planned to do the same thing with every other European country but got into an argument over whether Kosovo was a country.
- Albums
- Deluxe Editions
- Singles
- Only Love Can Break Your Heart
- Kiss And Make Up
- Nothing Can Stop Us
- Join Our Club
- Avenue
- You’re In A Bad Way
- Hobart Paving / Who Do You Think You Are
- I Was Born On Christmas Day
- Pale Movie
- Like A Motorway
- Hug My Soul
- He’s On The Phone
- Sylvie
- The Bad Photographer
- How We Used To Live
- Heart Failed (In The Back Of A Taxi)
- Boy Is Crying
- Action
- Soft Like Me
- Side Streets
- A Good Thing
- Burnt Out Car
- Method Of Modern Love
- Tonight
- I’ve Got Your Music